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Amalcaburio Alcatraz Anti-Motim

Amalcaburio Alcatraz Anti-Motim



Amalcaburio Alcatraz Anti-Motim

n/a - p.t.

To break up demonstrations and work on public events was designed this model Alcatraz Anti-Motim. Armored body has the protection for level III of the USA standard NIJ-1080-01. The water cannon is installed on the roof. It is equipped with a camera and searching light and controlled remotely by the joystick.

Water jet can reach 60 meters, with water pressure of 27 kg/cm2. The water tank has a capacity of 4000 liters. Inside the body there is a place for 13 crew members. As the Alcatraz Pacificador, this model is built on a four-wheel drive chassis, has a 5-ton winch, plow-blade in front and armored tires.

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