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Albee Rolligon Dodge Power Wagon

Albee Rolligon Dodge Power Wagon

Albee Rolligon


Albee Rolligon Dodge Power Wagon

1953 - 1954

One of the earliest applications of Albee’s low-pressure tires was this three-roller Dodge Power Wagon. Ground pressure was drastically reduced due to the large ground area in contact with the bags, and the low air pressure (from 2.5 to 6 psi) in the bags. The vehicle weighed 9,500 pounds (vs. 5,500 for a normal Power Wagon), and was built by the West Coast Machinery Company of Stockton, California. It used a Chrysler 135 horsepower model IND-18A V-8 engine and a Powerflite torque converter. There was no suspension other than that provided by the low-pressure bags. The vehicle was tested in Greenland and at Aberdeen Proving Ground in from 1953 to May 1954.

"Rolligon" Rolls To It! (1953)

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