Ahrens-Fox FCB / FCE / ECB
1955 -
In 1955 Ahrens-Fox surprised fire industry with the introduction of its first (and last) cab-forward fire apparatus. Utilizing bus front-end sheet metal and C.D.Beck’s forward control chassis technology, the pleasingly styled model FCB prototype sported an open semi-cab not unlike the rival American-LaFrance models.
Only half a dozen cab-forward Ahren-Foxes were built between 1956-57 before the plug was finally pulled on Ahrens-Fox. Mack Truck Inc. acquired C.D.Beck – including the Ahren-Fox fire apparatus operation – in mid-1956. Mack unashamedly appropriated the Ahren-Fox cab-forward design, which it placed into production at Sidney and rebadged as its own “C”-series custom fire chassis.