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Video: Truck Drag Racing in Canada Involves Rolling Coal and 71 Tons of Wood


Video: Truck Drag Racing in Canada Involves Rolling Coal and 71 Tons of Wood

Have you ever noticed how the Canadians have all sorts of local sports that they use to vent steam? For example, there’s a whole national event where all they do is cut wood in every way imaginable.

One time, I was so bored that I watch a whole Sunday of burly men with nitrous-fuel chainsaws, and I still don’t regret it. But is there something you can do with wood that relates to motorsport? How about racing cars made of wood? No, that would be boring and very dangerous. How about drag racing trucks that are carrying 71.5 tons of wood using trucks so powerful they double as dragsters? Yes, that sounds very Canadian. This drag race is between Sebastien Gagnon and Vincent Couture, taking place in Quebec, Canada. Very little is known about these monsters, but apparently they have about 2400 horsepower and enough torque to visibly twist the chassis.

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