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8×4*4 configuration chassis by Renault Trucks


8×4*4 configuration chassis by Renault Trucks

Renault Trucks will be taking advantage of the Intermat exhibition (focused on Equipment and Techniques for the Construction and Materials Industries) to present a new 8×4*4 configuration of its Premium Lander vehicle.

It is designed to meet the needs of some worksite supply applications which have to cope with specific restrictions. For there is often a need to carry very heavy loads of equipment or materials to worksites where space for maneuvering is limited, while at the same time optimizing on-road fuel consumption. The Premium Lander Tridem, a new 8×4*4 rigid sold in France by Renault Trucks, is the ideal tool for this kind of operation.

Built on a particularly light 6×4 chassis, the Tridem also features a third, retractable, rear steering axle. This makes reverse maneuvering, often required to access building sites in urban areas for example, much easier. Compared with a conventional 8×4 vehicle, the turning radius is reduced by 10 to 15%, depending on the wheelbase. Once the vehicle is back on the road, the driver can raise the third axle to reduce tyre wear and the vehicle’s fuel consumption.

The Premium Lander 8×4*4 Tridem is the only vehicle on the market with a rear axle capable of carrying a 10 t load. This has been made possible by close collaboration between Renault Trucks and the Michelin and Goodyear tire manufacturers who have developed specific 385/65 tires that can be fitted to both front and rear axles. This characteristic allows the Premium Lander 8×4*4 Tridem to carry all kinds of equipment, even the heaviest such as hydraulic cranes, sewer flushers, bodies for delivering bulk foodstuffs, as well as industrial vacuum units or cranes positioned on the rear overhang.

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