Chevrolet Light Prime Mover T7
1932 -
A 1932 1.5-ton Chevrolet truck was modified by the addition of a dual drive rear bogie to create the Light Prime Mover T7 for the Army. The Gear Grinding Machine Company of Detroit built the rear bogie, and it was tested with a wood plank body, carrying a three ton payload.
Chevrolet’s standard Confederate model 194 cubic inch, 53 horsepower engine was used with a 4-speed transmission, while the two speed bogie gave eight forward speeds. The Army liked the 6×4 Chevrolet, but decided it was too heavy at 5,275 pounds to be manhandled when it got stuck, and opted to continue purchasing much lighter trucks for general hauling needs.
Successor: Chevrolet Light Prime Mover T8
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Chevrolet Series LT / M / N