Autocar Type XXI / XXVI / XXVII
A 2- to 3-ton capacity Type XXVII was first placed on the market in 1921. Autocar also offered the 4- to 6-toncapacity Type XXVI that had been first introduced in 1919. These models had the dual solid rubber rear tires. Eventually, these solid tires would give way to balloon tires.
The four-cylinder engine was still under the seat. Autocar sales material emphasized the advantages of such a design. For example, operators would “save time and space at congested loading and unloading places, save in quick maneuvering in crowded streets, and save valuable space.” Such a design also allowed for larger payloads due to saving wear on mechanical parts.
In 1922, Autocar offered two 4- to 6-ton models XXVI with 120- (XXVI-M) and 156-inch (XXVI-B) wheelbase, and two 2- to 3-ton models XXVII with 114- (XXVII-H) and 138-inch (XXVII-K) wheelbase; and two 1.5- to 2-ton model XXI with 97- (XXI-UF) and 120-inch wheelbase.
The 1.5- to 2-ton model was rebuilt and reconditioned in 1918 and got an updated two-cylinder engine. There was also a 6-ton tractor version Model HT with four-cylinder engine and 106-inch wheelbase.
Predecessor: Autocar Type XVIII / XXI
Successor: Autocar Type U