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Austro-Daimler ADG / ADGR



Austro-Daimler ADG / ADGR

1932 - 1940

In 1932, was appeared the original 3-axle model “ADG” with 6-cylinder carburetor petrol engine produced 65 hp, cap tube frame, the main worm gear and a single rear tire wheels. It had gearbox with 7 forward and 3 reverse gears, on-board transmission, rear suspension with a longitudinal spring and two wishbones.

On both sides of the chassis freely rotating spare wheels were mounted and under the frame and a radiator four hollow metal rollers were installed. These trucks had ground clearance of 300 mm, a cruising range of 300 km and maximum speed of 70 km/h.

In 1936-40, instead of the ADR model was produced 72-horsepower version ADGR with double tires rear wheels. 185 and 361 copies of ADR and ADGR were made. Armored ADGK vehicles were produced on this chassis.

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