Ag-Chem RoGator 884 / 1084 / 1286C / SS884 / SSc1084
In 2008, the Ag-Chem has been presented the 4th generation of the RoGator sprayers. It features the new Tier III Caterpillar engine and the Advanced Application cab, which is designed specifically for application work. The Tier III engine operates at rated 2100 rpm — 400 rpm less than the 74 Series — for greater performance and less noise, both in and out of the cab.
The new range includes the next models: RoGator 884 – 800-gallon work tank, 250 hp Caterpillar C7 engine, RoGator 1084 – 1000-gallon work tank, 275 hp Caterpillar C7 engine, RoGator SS884 – 800-gallon work tank, 275 hp Caterpillar C7 engine, air springs suspension, RoGator SSc1084 – 1000-gallon work tank for liquid or dry chemicals, 275 hp Caterpillar C7 engine, RoGator 1286C – 1200-gallon work tank, 336 hp, Caterpillar C9 Tier III engine, a six-speed drive package, providing more speed options to match field conditions.
Predecessor: Ag-Chem RoGator 874 / 1074 / 1274 / SS874 / SS1074
Successor: Ag-Chem RoGator 984 / 1184 / 1386 / 994 / 1194 / 1396