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How to use trucks?!


How to use trucks?!

Trucks can be used not only for the transportation of goods. This fact is confirmed by two unique projects submitted around the same time.

For example, there will be a mobile bakery Del Popolo on streets of San Francisco, which delivers freshly cooked classic Neapolitan pizza around town. Of course, there are a lot of pizza delivery companies in San Francisco. But pizza by Del Popolo is made directly in the truck. The truck is equipped with an oven, which must be fired by a real wood in order to achieve inside a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius. Pizza is cooked for only 60 seconds with this temperature. As a result, fresh pizza is created with just a few minutes. Moreover, customers can directly observe the whole process of cooking pizza – truck has a body with glass walls. The owner of a mobile pizzeria Del Popolo said that it was very difficult to start this business. For example, the original oven was delivered directly from Naples! Totally, the owner had to invest about 150,000 USD to Pizza Del Popolo on wheels started!

The second project is also unique. Once the Mexican librarians decided: “If people do not go to a library, the library will go to people!” And they built a mobile project A47. As in most buildings that are now being built in the world, the mobile library A47 has lots of windows which let reading books without artificial light source. In the evenings, these windows are working to attract the attention of passersby, who are happy to consider what is happening inside the reading room, and often do join the readers. The floor in the reading room is made with soft benches, which are very comfortable to sit or even lie down, flipping through the pages of books, magazines and newspapers. There over 1500 books are stored in A47.

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