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Green TJS 560 C bio-sweeper


Green TJS 560 C bio-sweeper

The Green TJS 560 C (Towed Jet Sweeper) with engines developed by Volvo is the world’s first CO2 neutral snow removal machine. The first tests will be conducted in Kiruna Airport Stockholm.

To lower CO2 the airport is going to use 20 High Power Jet Sweepers fitted to the front section of an A25E articulated hauler from Volvo Construction Equipment. Using of the Green TJS 560 C will not only operate in a more climate friendly way, but will also decrease fuel costs.

The Green TJS 560 C is powered by Volvo engines fueled by a mixture of biogas and biodiesel. The challenge for the Schmidt engineers was to fit in the extra tanks into the supporting frame whilst maintaining the performance parameters steady. With the Green TJS 560 C nothing changes for airport operators or ground handlers. They will have a Schmidt TJS 560 C with Volvo engines, which will remove a swathe of snow 4.75 meters wide.

The Green TJS 560 C does not differ in power from other TJS machines operating with a conventional Volvo engine. It is equipped with an airport snow plough MS 72.1 which produces snow and ice-free surfaces. The hydraulically powered sweeping unit is located under the supporting frame and can be locked lengthwise for transport. T

he blower unit generates a lateral air flow of up to 145 meters per second over the complete width which blows away the snow across the runway. The Green TJS 560 C by Schmidt can operate without refuelling for over six hours and is capable of working in difficult weather conditions over longer periods. Depending upon snow quantity and height the machine can work at a speed of up to 50 km/h.

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