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AAD 2012: The new MRAP Puma M36 Mk5


AAD 2012: The new MRAP Puma M36 Mk5

OTT Technologies (Pty) Ltd is introducing the Puma M36 Mk5 Medium Mine Protected Vehicle or MRAP during AAD 2012.

The M36 traces its origins back to the OTT Puma M26 MPV and even further back to the venerable South African Mamba MPV’s. The 14 ton GVM M36 uses the Ashok Leyland Stallion 4×4 automotive components ensuring easy and economic after sales support. It carries a crew of up to 12 including the driver while the V-shaped monocoque hull protects the crew against mines, IED’s and machine gun fire. The M36 can be used as an armored personnel carrier, command and control vehicle or ambulance. The interior can easily be reconfigured by replacing any number of the individually mounted seats with purpose designed modules like additional radio racks, command and control modules, ambulance equipment, etc.

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