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Mobile wind turbine


Mobile wind turbine

Speaking about wind turbines, usually we imagine stationary objects. Typically, wind farms are installed in areas with high wind activity, in coastal and desert areas. But sometimes we require to have immediate power supply for a short time.

In such cases, the installation of stationary wind farms may be unprofitable. The Pope Design company has developed a mobile wind turbine that can urgently get to work wherever needed. This mobile wind turbine can be a great alternative to traditional energy sources. For example, it can replace an autonomous power supply during military field operations, rescue missions or even a rock concert.

A hybrid chassis is used for transportation of this wind turbine. It is interesting that it also works on electricity produced by the wind turbine. In the case of reducing the strength of wind or truck battery depletion, a diesel generator is used to generate electricity.

The turbine consists of two parts. During the process of transporting these parts is compact fold. When the turbine starts to act these parts are unfolding like shears using the hydraulic drive, which is located on the chassis. These parts are made of lightweight extruded thermoplastic to reduce the weight of the construction. The wind mill rises to the desired height.

The stability to the chassis provides by retractable struts, which transform the mobile installation to the stationary power supply. According to developer’s words, adding to the mobile wind turbine battery of large capacity for storing energy, you can use that system to provide energy for rural schools and small businesses without extra costs.

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