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Video: 1000 hp offroad vehicle with Peterbilt truck cabin


Video: 1000 hp offroad vehicle with Peterbilt truck cabin

The guy who was genius enough to plug a classic Peterbilt cab on top of a truck chassis, jam about 1,000hp into it and then dominate mud pits with said creation deserves some sort of award.

People who win the Nobel prize don’t do stuff nearly as cool or as crazy as this. As you can see from the preview image below, there is no roll cage inside this old aluminum cab. It is super important to note that this is not some lumbering, slogging, freak. No, this is a screaming, angry, flying freak! We tried about 100 different ways to dig up some information on the trucks and we have no more than what you can see.

We’re going to take the not too risky guess that the engine is a 600(ish) cubic inch big block that is making near triple digit power. When you see how the thing responds to the throttle and how it accelerates like a dragster in the slop your jaw will be hanging as well.

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