American LaFrance
American LaFrance Type 10 / 39 to 41 / 60 to 68 / 78 / 82 / 89
1911 -
The Type 10 was slightly larger and more powerful than its predecessor the Type 5. It was used for pumpers, combination hose and chemical cars, hose cars and salvage cars. The fire truck was equipped with a 4 cylinder 75 hp engine and a 140-inch wheel base. The combination truck has a 600 gpm rotary gear pump, chemical booster tank, and carries its own hoses.
- Type 39 (1920) was the triple combination with a 600 gpm rotary pump.
- Type 40 was a combination of 250 gpm rotary pump with a 40 gallon (0.15 m³) tank of bicarbonate soda and water solution.
- Type 41 had a rotary 500 gpm pump.
- Type 60 (1922) was a triple combination with a 600 gpm rotary pump.
- Type 64 (1923) – the same truck with different type of equipment.
- Type 67 (1922) was the same truck as the Type 39, but with different type of equipment.
- Type 68 (1922) – combination vehicle with hose body and chemical tank, 600 gpm rotary pump.
- Type 78 (1917) was built on the chassis of Type 40 with 500 gpm rotary pump.
- Type 82 (1922) was almost the same as Type 48.
- Type 89 (1923) was a combination with Junior 400 gpm pump.
Predecessor: American LaFrance Type 5