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Ford is testing the new F-650


Ford is testing the new F-650

It looks like Ford has begun testing its enormous, next-gen F-650, and there could be some special powertrain secrets the company is trying to hide with a fake nosecone.

This box-shaped bodywork that’s pasted on the front is probably providing clearance for new intercoolers, radiators … or perhaps some special intercooler aids. There are also all sorts of diagnostics on it that have us thinking there are some special energy-capturing devices or battery coolers; in fact, you can see the yellow monitoring cables running around the bottom of the white cab.

Interestingly, the only difference we could discern between the red and white test trucks is one had 10 lugs, the other only 8, while both had 19.5-inch wheels. As you would imagine, both trucks are loaded with a great deal of ballast in those black steel boxes. Whether this new F-650 is a testbed for future F-250, F-350 or F-450 powertrains, we’ll have to wait and see.

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