Autocar C-10 / C-20 / C-30 / C-40
1940 -
Since 1940, light duty models RB / RL / RM got indexes from C-10 to C-40. But the company produced them only for less than a year – until the Second World War began. After the War, Autocar concentrated on producing of more heavy trucks and the producing of the C-10 / C-20 / C-30 / C-40 was not renewed.
The range included:
- C-10 – the lightest model in the range with a GVW of 6 tons, is equipped with Hercules JXB engine with an output of 73 hp – the former Model B
- DC-20 – it the C-20 model with a diesel engine Hercules DJXC rated at 83 hp
- C-30 – 8 tons GVW truck with the Autocar Blue Streak 315 engine rated at 81 hp – the former Model RM
- C-40 – 9 tons GVW truck with the Autocar Blue Streak 358 engine rated at 89 hp – the former Model RL. There was also a tractor C-40-T and dump truck C-40-D versions.
Predecessor: Autocar RB / RL / RM