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Autobianchi Estense / Scaligero

Autobianchi Scaligero



Autobianchi Estense / Scaligero

1959 - 1968

1959—1962. 1st series

In 1959, to replace the Visconteo, Ambrosiano and Filarete came two new models Estense and Scaligero. The models of the first series can be distinguished by a T-shaped grille.

Lightweight Estense was available in versions 262 with a payload of 2.5 t and 262N with a payload of 3 tons. Under the cab was located OM CO 1 D engine from OM Leonсino truck with working volume of 4156 cm3 and a power of 61 hp.

Heavier model Scaligero had a payload of 4.5-4.8 tonnes. In 1962-63 the second versions of Estense and Scaligero were presented.

Predecessors: Autobianchi FilareteAutobianchi VisconteoAutobianchi Ambrosiano

1962—1968. 2nd series

In 1962-63, Autobianchi updated models Estense and Scaligero. Trucks received rectangular grille, twin headlights and rear side cab windows. They also received an updated engine OM CO 2 D with a working volume of 4397 cm3 and a power of 85 HP, the same as on an updated OM Leoncino.

Estense of the second series was available only in 3.5-ton version 262B, while Scaligero was produced in versions 268L with a payload of 4.7 tonnes and 268N with a payload of 4.8 tonnes. In 1968 production of Autobianchi trucks was discontinued.

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